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New program launching for survivors of gender based violence and sexual assault

Legal Assistance of Windsor. (Courtesy Facebook) Legal Assistance of Windsor. (Courtesy Facebook)

Legal Assistance of Windsor is launching a new program called Supporting Survivors of Gender Based Violence and Sexual Assault.

The group received $1-million in funding from Justice Canada’s Victims Fund and Justice Partnership and Innovation Program to launch the program.

For the next four years, a lawyer and a social worker will support survivors of gender based violence and sexual assault, and will provide trauma-informed legal advice, representation and support in and about the Canadian justice system.

Victims of gender based violence and sexual assault will have access to ongoing independent legal advice and independent legal representation. In addition they will receive services from a social worker who will conduct risk assessments, develop safety plans, provide supportive counselling, and assist with system navigation.

“We are so pleased to be able to offer this service at this time. We know there are diverse needs in the community—some survivors need immediate information and advice, others will need ongoing support throughout their engagement with the family and criminal justice systems, and others will want to explore alternative remedies. We are here to support all those individuals,” said Marion Overholt, executive director of Legal Assistance of Windsor.

The project plans on working collaboratively with the criminal justice system and the family bar to ensure that they are addressing the gaps in the systems.

This LAW project is one of nine clinic projects delivering services across Ontario under the Your Way Forward initiative. Top Stories

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