A retailer in Leamington and another in Windsor can't sell tobacco for several months after multiple sales to persons under 19.

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has issued prohibition notices to the two retailers, who can no longer sell tobacco as of Tuesday.

Miller Service Limited on Talbot Street West in Leamington has been handed a 12-month prohibition and Corner Store and Neighbourhood Pizzeria on Parent Avenue in Windsor has been handed a six-month prohibition.

Kristy McBeth, the health unit's manager of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, said in a statement that restrictions are in place to protect youth.

"Tobacco retailers are advised and educated regularly about their requirement to restrict youth access to tobacco products and the progressive enforcement process that is in place. The enforcement of this requirement is an important strategy to reduce youth tobacco use."

The prohibition is levied after two or more convictions for selling to anyone under age 19 in five years.

The retailer is also required to post signs in the store notifying the public of the prohibition.