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Windsor Ward 6 council candidates outline plans on important issues

Riverside Drive at Lauzon Road in Windsor, Ont., on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. (Melanie Borrelli / CTV Windsor) Riverside Drive at Lauzon Road in Windsor, Ont., on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. (Melanie Borrelli / CTV Windsor)

Municipal Election Day is Monday, Oct. 24. CTV News Windsor reached out to candidates running for Windsor council. Here’s where Ward 6 candidates fall on the issues of healthcare, including their position on the new hospital as well as mental health and addiction issues, transit service, economic development, the environment and crime in Windsor.


Windsor city council candidate Jo-Anne Gignac. (Courtesy: Jo-Anne Gignac)


My position on the new Acute Care Hospital on County Road 42 has been clear……I support it 100% and will advocate to expedite the process. I will also continue to support securing 24 hour emergency care downtown. Not only will the new facility be able to offer a premium level of care it will also encourage Research and Development in Health Sciences which will attract the specialized Doctors to the area that we sorely need. Windsor Essex deserves no less! Let’s get it done!!!!

Health care issues in our city include the reality of those individuals suffering from homelessness as a result of drug addiction and or mental health issues……if COVID provided one “opportunity in adversity” it was on the homeless front…..because the City had to quickly respond and establish a shelter. City Administration along with our AMAZING partners in the Community saw the success that could be achieved by providing wrap around services for individuals in need of support.

As a result we unanimously, as a City Council, have moved forward to present a proven model, the H-4, to our Provincial partners for funding. The Hub will provide a safe shelter that will allow for treatment and support which will assist in moving individuals into permanent housing and a healthy, productive lifestyle. I am committed to seeing the project built ASAP.

Transit Service

The City has adopted a Transit Master Plan to address effective, affordable, environmentally compliant, sustainable delivery of Transit Service into the future. COVID had a massive impact on the Transit system but we are building back. We have invested significantly in moving the Master Plan forward and I am committed to ensuring the investment continues.

Economic Development

Windsor is seeing the benefits of massive Economic Development. Going back to securing an enhanced Herb Gray Parkway leading to the new International Gordie Howe Bridge; ensuring our Airport maintains it’s staffed Control Tower, all critically important components in securing economic growth. Then successfully pushing for a new state of the art Acute Care Hospital which will lead to R&D in the Medical field; to the recent agreement to secure the Stellantis and LG Energy Solutions battery manufacturing plant which will allow for more R&D in the Energy sector.

The long established Community Improvement Plan program is seeing great success with developers applying for these incentives and making huge investments in our City…..a win/win. Continued investment in our infrastructure, our commitment to a strong financial bond rating for the City, our premiere Educational institutions, an established well trained workforce a PREMIERE North American location serviced by Land/Rail/Air and a continual focus on securing MORE investment and JOBS through implementing Windsor Works ……it’s a solid plan that I participated in formulating…it works and I support it!!! The Mayor and Council will continue to work in partnership with our Provincial and Federal partners to secure opportunities to diversify our economy and provide jobs.

The Environment

Again Windsor has an Environmental Master Plan that drives us at the City to continually implement respectful growth and operational practices. Every item on our Council Agenda now has an Environmental impact section, looking at everything through an environment lens, it is how we operate.

Projects from solar roof installations, low energy and solar lighting, electric vehicles, our new Charlie Brooks International Peace fountain which will be powered by the current in the Detroit River to Fish habitat projects along our Riverfront and at Peche Island.

Exploring an exciting new Composting facility for the region and encouraging Zero Waste Events like the one held in conjunction with the Police/Fire/EMS Games this summer shows small steps have a BIG and positive impact.

Encouraging walking and cycling by providing safe trails/sidewalks and connected bike lanes as well as encouraging the use of Transit Windsor is also helping the Environment. Securing and maintaining green space, increasing our tree canopy, keeping our sewage treatment facilities up to date, updating and increasing carrying and pumping capacity for storm water, it all contributes to a cleaner, safer environment. I will continue to support our Environmental Master Plan and the investments needed to restore and protect our environment and residents.

Crime in the city

Previously I discussed my support of Health Care and the initiatives that I have and will continue to advocate for….I believe those approaches when put in place will have a huge impact on crime in our City. Breaking the law is never acceptable, Police officers visibly patrolling neighbourhoods and enforcing on a regular basis is an important deterrent to crime.

I also believe having a Community Police Officer providing regular, face to face opportunities to speak with residents and business owners across the City would go a long way in clarifying community needs as well as build a strong rapport with the Department. Properly funded law enforcement is essential to maintaining safe communities and is one of our most important services. It also includes investments in new technology to assist Police in that enforcement…..I will continue to support and enhance effective policing.

Other Issues

The inflation rate in Canada is the highest it has been in 40 years. Residents are worried and concerned, they want to be assured tax dollars are being spent wisely and that we will hold the line on tax increases! I will continue to support this by evaluating every expenditure to make sure our services remain sustainable and affordable. I will also ensure that our Provincial and Federal partners fully cover their share of the cost of their responsibilities. 


Windsor Ward 6 councillor candidate Brian McCurdy. (Courtesy: Brian McCurdy)

Transit Service

It is imperative that the current plan is reviewed for sustainability with rising fuel costs. We should also consider a route to Pattillo road where the jobs are and a service that can get people to the job on time.

Economic Development

We should be investing in bringing jobs to Windsor. Windsor has a 7.5% unemployment rate and since 2015 our median income has fallen from 10th in the province to 27th out of 36 communities under the current leadership. I would support union jobs that take care of their employees and that will contribute to the community in partnership in a positive way.

The Environment

I feel we must do a better job protecting our green spaces and food sources. We have continued to pave, concrete and lay synthetic material in our city parks at the expense of other investments on more concerning issues. It is projected that a severe drought is on the horizon in the south, with that we have to protect our local farm space as well as find infill land for housing in an environmentally conscious way. We need responsible leadership that looks at all variables and is committed to protecting our existence.

Crime in the city

We must be better as a community. We need to respect people and provide the services they need. We need mental health, addiction services (rehabilitation) centers away from the core. We need to find ways to reconnect our police services with the community, so there is more connection to the people they serve and protect.

Other issues

Through talking to the people of ward 6, I have found consistently that the number one issue continues to be access to health care, followed by affordable housing, Roads conditions (lack of bike lanes) and crosswalks for seniors and families at Peace Park is right up there.

P.S. I have now been to over 3000+ doors and I must remind ward 6 constituents to tray their bird feeders! I have noticed that we have a rat infestation in ward 6. From Pillette to The Villages please clean below your Bird feeders to prevent attracting rats. 


Windsor city council candidate Jeremy Renaud. (Courtesy: Jeremy Renaud)


I am an advocate for the proposed location of the Acute Care Mega Hospital on County Rd. 42 but will 100% fight for continued 24hrs services to support the downtown core and Windsor West. The development of the hospital by the airport will not only enable access by all municipalities in the region but bring in specialized care (Doctors) for which our residents have not had before and would often have to travel to and from London for. With that said, and as mentioned, I continue to endorse and support services to our core 100% and would champion both simultaneously.

I personally believe that we need to educate the broader public on what "acute care" is then have City Council and County Council work together to promote awareness through a myriad of partners. This will enable continued support for the mega hospital. I would be happy to advocate for this in Riverside and/or through neighbouring committees and municipalities to support awareness and multi-sectoral partnerships.

I support the continued development of the City’s housing hub and recognize the outstanding work that is being done a myriad of agencies in the community for which one I work directly for; however, linked to my earlier statement regarding the hospital, continue to support services to the downtown core, which includes 24/7 emergency room and exploration for on-site community outreach and mental health workers. Coming from a related background to the healthcare industry, I would be 100% supportive, open, and interested in finding ways to extend and fund street outreach programs and mental health workers to enable support to at-risk communities while developing a localized strategy and concerted effort to help individuals with mental health addictions.

Transit Service

I will support and vote to fully fund the 418X and transit garage expansions throughout the course of my term. I will also vote and continue to support funding for transit service expansions to county municipalities (should their councils welcome and approve lines within their boundaries) as I believe that it opens gateways for residents throughout Windsor-Essex to work, rest, and play, which in turn develops our overall economy and region. Finally, I will advocate and push to get our transit master plan on track in 2023.

Economic Development

Municipal: Research, identify, and secure funding to enhance infrastructure to support job creation. Example: Double the size of our outdoor workers (CUPE82) from 100-200 staff by 2026 to foster enhanced services and experiences through our community green spaces to ensure quality of life for our residents and visitors.

Regional: Work in collaboration with InvestWindsorEssex and Workforce WindsorEssex to attract businesses to our BIAs, which respond to resident-centered design process and experiences. Develop strategies and tactics to support active recruitment, retention, and expansion of our medical staff at both the mega hospital and downtown core. Generate a feasibility study by 2026 toward the proposed development of a multi-purpose indoor/outdoor field sports and recreation facility inclusive of 4 full-size indoor soccer fields, 8 futsal fields, 2 multi-purpose indoor fields (to support football, lacrosse, rugby, field hockey and disc sports); outdoor amenities include but are not limited to matching fields, skate park, BMX and cyclo-cross facilities to support abled-bodied and ParaSport competitive and recreational opportunities.

Ward 6-Centric: Serve the local BIA toward developing strategies and tactics that extend its membership along Wyandotte St. E. towards Riverdale; engage current businesses while attracting new ones, while developing new experiences, which respond to a resident-centred design process.

The Environment

  • Champion the continued development of a climate resilient community (at a municipal level City-Wide across Windsor; not just Ward 6)
  • Advocate for the development of a climate resilient region (across Windsor-Essex)
  • Review, address and bring priority to the previous Climate Adaptation Change program and Task Force objectives that were forecasted over the last quadrennial to determine the change created followed by next steps for the development of a new plan
  • Address, form (if necessary), and join a community collaborative of interested partners in helping Windsor-Essex become a climate resilient region
  • Develop a strategic plan inclusive of goals and objectives to help us (Windsor and Essex; Windsor-Essex) become a climate resilient community
  • Support the development of active living spaces inclusive of a special project that I recently proposed in honour of the St. Louis family who donated land at the site of the former Concord/St. Louis schools; as well as the potential exploration for converting elements of Tranby Park to that of a Dog park.
  • Utilize a percentage of my Ward 6 budget to plant trees over the course of my term to beautify and enhance our community while providing breathable communities that provide cover and shade for our residents (from seniors to children and dog owners to name a few).

Crime the city

As noted in Mental Health, support the continued development of the community hub; diversify programming, services and support by funding outreach programs and mental health workers.

Explore opportunities to expand the Windsor Police Service’s budget to support the development of neighbourhood staff. Enforce speeding penalties through the implementation of radars. Execute strategies and tactics through highest areas of concentration to ensure that safe neighbourhoods for our riders and pedestrians are enabled.

Other issues

  • Create a Ward 6-centric plan (to support Wheels Walk Windsor's larger one) with localized objectives for implementation, which identifies issues, enhances education, fosters safety, and increases participation.
  • Enforce speeding penalties through the implementation of radars
  • Execute strategies and tactics through high concentration areas to ensure safe neighbourhoods for riders and pedestrians
  • Prioritize and implement complete streets (biking lanes, crosswalks, and lighting)
  • Develop community safe zones around schools, libraries, and parks. 


Ward 6 candidate Beth St. Denis. (Courtesy: Beth St. Denis)


The new hospital has been a divisive issue with residents for many years. There are still many residents who are concerned with the new location. However, citizens are in agreement that our community needs a new hospital. The majority of residents I have spoken to over the last few months are more concerned with our current hospital situation. They are not thinking about 2031 when the new hospital is projected to be completed.

Residents feel like we need to concentrate on how to make our current facilities a priority, while building for the future. We need to work with the Provincial Government to find solutions to our existing concerns. Residents also have concerns about how the tax levy money is being managed and want more transparency on current tax dollars being spent on the project.

City Council will need to work with all levels of government to help with mental health and addiction issues, specifically funding. Council can proactively find areas to cut current spending, such as on large beautification projects, and reallocate some of those funds towards these serious issues. These topics are important to residents. Citizens want our most vulnerable residents to have access to the services they need.

Transit Service

I used Transit Windsor for close to 30 years. I am in favor of the Transit Master Plan. Using a grid system to provide better service to all areas of the city is a huge and welcomed improvement. Having the secondary routes will help ensure all service areas and citizen requirements are met.

Extending hours on nights, weekends and holidays are key in order to meet the needs of shift work employees. Improving Customer Service is a must and a move in the right direction.

Passengers want courteous, respectful and helpful drivers. I want to see Transit Windsor get the money and infrastructure it needs. Even if we are the car capital of Canada, transit needs to be reliable, affordable and accessible to all citizens.

I think the best way to increase transit awareness is to lead by example. It would be great to have initiatives where City Councillors organize events that are focused on transit. There have been Public Transit events where City Councillors use transit to commute to work for a week.

If Windsorites see their elected representatives using alternative transportation, I think it will go a long way to encourage residents to do the same.

Economic Development

Economic Development is key in helping Windsor move forward into the future.

City Council needs to find ways to attract business growth to our community. I would like to see more emphasis on attracting agriculture, manufacturing and healthcare industries to our area. We also need to support our small businesses.

There needs to be a proper balance for all types of businesses in Windsor. Making sound, financial decisions is key. Council needs to continue to do extensive research on cost effective ways to attract new business, while helping our current businesses grow in financially challenging times.

Spending tax dollars on vital infrastructure projects will also help our city to grow. We need to reasonably invest in retaining local talent. We want to keep lifelong Windsorites working in our community, as these residents will have a more vested interest in helping Windsor to thrive.

One way we can help build economic development is to work with our neighbours in the United States. This is Canada's largest trading partner. The relationship between Windsor and Detroit has always been strong. We need to continue to build that relationship to benefit both regions.

Once completed, The Gordie Howe Bridge will only add to the possibilities of economic growth for our city.

The Environment 

I believe education and information on the environment is key. We need citizens informed, so they can make more environmentally friendly decisions. Council needs to strengthen partnerships with organizations like the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA), who have extensive knowledge in these areas.

We need input from the citizens of Windsor to know what their green priorities are. Brainstorming with citizens helps keep everyone engaged and helps to find solutions to our environmental challenges.

We need to embrace green ideas, such as the Active Transportation Master Plan. Putting more emphasis on walking and cycling is a great way to reduce gas emissions.

As a city, we need to look into repurposing abandoned private and public spaces, creating more green spaces, building connected walkable communities and using more sustainable materials in city infrastructure projects.

Crime in the city

The increases in crime, specifically theft and property damage/vandalism are major concerns of all Windsorites. The two areas I would like to address are more nighttime police patrol of neighbourhoods and setting up a network of neighbourhood watches. Windsor Police need to find ways to reprioritize scheduling, so they can be more visible at night. Residents want regular police patrol of neighbourhoods to deter crime.

Setting up a network of neighbourhood watches will help keep eyes and ears open for problems. This can also keep information moving between neighbourhoods and law enforcement. This is a cost-effective way to keep our community safe. It also puts ownership on all residents to help with the solution. If we want a safer community, we all have to take responsibility in ensuring we help share information and find strategies to combat crime.

One of the issues raised by residents is the lack of partnership between local law enforcement and the community. Residents want to have open discussions with police, so they have a better understanding of their needs and concerns. If elected, I will make it a priority to have regular monthly/bi-monthly community meetings with law enforcement. This will build much stronger relations between the two groups.

Law enforcement can present practical ideas on how residents can keep their families and property safe. The sharing of ideas and information is critical to help keep residents aware. Knowledge is power.

Other Issues

Municipal Government Accountability was the main priority for residents I have spoken to over the last few months. Citizens want their elected representative to be visible, transparent and accountable on all decisions. Residents want to reach out to their councillor and know they will find practical solutions to their concerns. Many residents feel they are being ignored and that their concerns are not being addressed.

If I am elected to Ward 6, my top priority is maintaining communication and feedback from residents. I will maintain a Ward 6 website and social media presence, which will give residents a platform to voice their concerns. Residents will also be able to reach me via phone or in person. Residents will have confidence, knowing that their elected representative will respond within 24 hours of any communication. I want to be an elected councillor who listens, offers practical solutions and has a profound interest in serving the people. I want to help build back confidence in elected representation. 

Also running in Ward 6

  • Dylon Graves
  • Ashley Lafreniere

*The candidate submissions are not edited by CTV News for grammar or content. Only those candidates who responded to CTV News have been included. Top Stories

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