While most of us would rather forget about the biting temperatures and harsh weather of last winter, it remains foremost on the minds of city administrators.

They’ll be asking city councillors to approve an annual $25,000 pre-commitment in next year’s operating budget for the Snow Angels Program.

The program assists residents over the age of 65 years, or those with disabilities, with their snow removal needs.

The snowy winter saw requests skyrocket, and wait times became a problem.

City Engineer, Mario Sonego admits things got off to a slow start as the weather caught just about everyone off guard. The volunteers went up this year, which is a good sign and we got a late start so we figure if we get an early start we will probably get more. But we also had more people call in for help. That increased from 300 to over 400.”

The program has been offered for 15 years, and administration says it has also experienced some problems in the past with volunteer recruitment.

The money would be used to fund a temporary city coordinator for the programs as well as promotional materials and program rewards for volunteers.