Monday is budget day for Windsor council but now an unexpected addition has been thrown into the mix.

The Hospital Steering Committee will be asking council in hopes of getting approval for a levy that will help fund the $200-million necessary for a new hospital.

Mayor Drew Dilkens says the item was added to the agenda Friday morning.

It came as a surprise for some councilors and residents that were under the impression the committee wouldn't be going to council until 2016.

"To have something like this dropped on your lap like this at the very last minute, it's very concerning because we're talking about not just $110-million ask for the hospital levy but there's also all the related infrastructure cost," says Ward 4 councillor Chris Holtz.

Spokesperson for the group Citizens for an Accountable Mega-Hospital Planning Process (CAMPP) shares that sentiment.

“It's completely undemocratic to rush such an important decision through at the last moment, during the busiest and longest Council meeting of the year, without providing residents enough notice to send delegations to speak to the matter," said Philippa von Ziegenweidt, spokesperson for CAMPP in a news release.

But mayor Dilkens says the presentation was filed in accordance of the rules and on time

He says discussions on mega hospital funding shouldn't come as a surprise.

"Them coming to city council to talk about an item on budget night that is a very large item that would certainly impact our budget is completely appropriate. They were registered in time and in accordance to all rules and certainly anyone who would like to speak to this issue on Monday night would be a late delegate. But we would be happy to add them to the list so that their voices are heard," says Dilkens.