The Essex Region Conservation Authority has issued a flood warning for parts of the Lake Erie shoreline in southern Essex County.
The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority has also issued a flood watch for Erie Shore Drive.
Environment Canada has also issued a wind warning advising of strong gusty southwest winds Friday afternoon and into the evening. Current forecasts are predicting sustained southwesterly winds at 45 to 50 km/hr with gusts up to 100 km/hr.
The areas of the region that could be most significantly affected by the southwest winds are the south and west shorelines of Pelee Island, the shoreline of Leamington (west of the tip of Point Pelee National Park) and the shorelines of the towns of Kingsville and Essex.
Portions of the shoreline along Point Pelee Drive in the Municipality of Leamington are also currently being impacted by waves overtopping breakwalls resulting in private property and road flooding.
Parts of the west shoreline of Pelee Island have been significantly damaged by recent lake wind events. The existing damage includes breakwall failures, erosion and related damage to sections of the adjacent roadway.
In addition, portions of shorelines in Leamington, Kingsville and Essex have also sustained damage during the recent high lake level storm events. Impacted breakwalls are vulnerable to further damage from additional southwesterly wind events.
Based on the predicted winds and high lake levels, there is the potential for near shore erosion with waves overtopping breakwalls. Waves overtopping the breakwalls have the potential to transport rocks and debris onto the adjacent lands. In the areas of direct wave attack, there is also the potential for further breakwall damage.
ERCA says people should take extra caution and avoid shoreline areas during wind/lake wave events. The combination of slippery banks, waves, waves overtopping breakwalls and fast moving water can be dangerous.
The watch is in effect until 9 a.m. Saturday.