WINDSOR -- Enbridge Gas is partnering with Windsor Fire & Rescue Service and the Municipality of Leamington to improve home safety and reduce fire and carbon monoxide-related deaths.

Windsor Fire received 360 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms through Project Zero, a public education campaign that will provide more than 9,100 alarms to residents in 40 municipalities across Ontario.

“Carbon monoxide is known as the ‘silent killer’ for a reason, and we have proof that prevention saves lives,” said Steven Jelich, director of Southwest Region operations for Enbridge Gas Inc. “We know that the best way to avoid carbon monoxide exposure is to eliminate it at the source by properly maintaining fuel-burning equipment, and that the alarms are a critical second line of defense to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning.”

Leamington also received 156 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms through Project Zero.

This year, Enbridge Gas invested $275,000 in Project Zero, and over the past 11 years, the program has provided more than 44,356 alarms to Ontario fire departments.

When properly installed and maintained, combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms help provide the early warning to safely escape from a house fire or carbon monoxide exposure.

Carbon monoxide is a toxic, odourless gas that is a by-product of incomplete combustion of many types of common fuels.

“The objective of Project Zero is to deliver combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to Ontario communities who need them the most,” said Jon Pegg, Ontario Fire Marshal and Chief, Emergency Management.

Pegg added it’s a program that municipal fire departments can adopt to help educate their communities about the requirement for all Ontario homes to have a CO alarm if they have a fuel burning appliance or an attached garage.

Windsor fire Chief Steve Laforet said Project Zero will help provide alarms to those in the community that may not be able to obtain them on their own.

There have been five fatal fires in Windsor in 2019.