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NDP Leader addresses Islamophobia, job creation and CRB during Windsor stop

Windsor, Ont. -

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh made a stop in Windsor on Wednesday, first announcing details of a plan to will create more than a million jobs and later addressing Islamophibia.

The leader of the New Democrats stopped at the Windsor Mosque in the evening, speaking to a couple dozen patrons about Islamophobia.

He says there needs to be greater focus on remove online hate and political parties need to take stronger action.

“Once hate is allowed to take hold it will spread. It will grow and it’s ok to hate someone because they’re Muslim, than it will be ok to hate someone they’re Jewish, it’ll be ok to hate someone because of the colour of their skin or gender. We all have a collective responsibility to fight hate together.”

Earlier Wednesday, Singh held an event on the riverfront focusing on a plan to create more jobs across the country.

“Even before the pandemic, life was getting harder for lots of people, and good jobs with decent wages and basic benefits were getting harder and harder to come by. It shouldn’t be this way,” said Singh.

He says good jobs at decent wages with access to basic benefits were becoming increasingly difficult to find.

“By building better workplaces and getting people back to work building up our communities, making products that people want and need, and helping people who care for others, we can chart a new course that puts you and your family first,” said Singh.

Sigh also said he wants to see the Canadian Recovery Benefit (CRB), previously known as CERB, extended past September.

The funding is in place for both personal and business support until Sept. 25.

Singh said it's cruel and callous to end CRB "when so many people can't get back to work while so many sectors are still shutdown".

He added many businesses are not and won't be at full capacity during Step 3 of reopening,

"A lot of people, they can't get back to work," he said. "While people can't get back to work because we're still in this pandemic I believe we need to continue to provide support for those families and for those people".

With files from CTV's Bob Bellacicco and Angelo Aversa. Top Stories

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