WINDSOR, ONT. -- The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit warns there are two weeks remaining to avoid school suspension due to incomplete immunization records.

Final notices were sent in early January of this year to remind parents and guardians of elementary students to make sure their records were updated in order to prevent the spread of vaccine preventable diseases.

While many complied, a considerable number of records remain incomplete according to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.

The deadline for updated records is March 10 at 4:30 p.m.

Up to 20-day suspension from school will begin to take place on March 11 if records remain incomplete.

"We really hope that parents/guardians will provide an up to date immunization record of their child to the health unit", said Dr. Wajiid Ahmed, Medial Officer of Health. "WECHU staff will continue to work in collaboration with school administrators to follow-up with affected families and offer solutions."

The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires all students to have updated vaccine records.

Enforcement of suspension from school for children who have not received their vaccines is required by Public health units.

For information on Windsor and Leamington walk-in clinics