The Essex Region Conservation Authority has extended a flood watch has been extended for Windsor and Essex County.

ERCA says the potential for flooding exists due to rainfall over the last two days, the wet ground conditions and current forecasts of possibly another 15 to 25 millimetres of precipitation.

Environment Canada also issued a rainfall warning for the area Monday afternoon.

Low lying areas adjacent to and within floodplain areas on all major waterways are especially at risk for flooding.

There is also an enhanced possibility of flooding and drainage problems throughout the entire region, especially in urban areas, in the specific locations affected by potential downpours.

Flowing water and standing water can be extremely hazardous. People, pets and livestock should be kept away from areas of flowing and standing water.

ERCA is advising property owners to consider inspecting areas of their properties for catch basin locations and other surface water inlets and make these areas free of debris.