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One of two sheep sought by rescuers along main Windsor highway has been found


The owner of Charlotte's Freedom Farm, who has been leading a search effort for two sheep which have been lost along the E.C. Row Expressway, said one of the sheep has been captured and brought back to her animal sanctuary.

According to farm owner, Lauren Edwards, the sheep — which she estimates is around six months old — was secured in a trap Wednesday around 10 a.m.

"This lady, Mary, actually had a trap that she uses to help rescue dogs all the time but it has a laser beam in it," said Edwards. "So when the when the laser beam is triggered, the door shuts automatically."

Video captured on social media in mid-June showed a sheep darting across the E.C. Row Expressway, as cars narrowly missed it. Edwards gathered a group of volunteers to search for the sheep in early July before discovering there was a second sheep that had been missing as well.

Edwards and her team had set up a pen near the Dougall Avenue eastbound ramps leading to the E.C. Row Expressway.

A camera was set up inside the pen so the rescuers could track any motion.

"The camera was sending us pictures to our phones from where ever we were. There was a few of us monitoring it. At 10 a.m. today, we all got this notification and the sheep was in the pen," said Edwards, adding it feels "great" to know one sheep has been found.

"We'll do all the vetting and have him neutered before he can join our other sheep. But he's on the way to living a nice, long life here," said Edwards.

The second sheep remains on the loose.

"Our hope is we can get his friend and reunite them." Top Stories

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