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Windsor Ward 10 council candidates outline plans on important issues

South Cameron woodlot in Windsor, Ont., Friday, March 1, 2019. (Chris Campbell / CTV Windsor) South Cameron woodlot in Windsor, Ont., Friday, March 1, 2019. (Chris Campbell / CTV Windsor)

CTV News Windsor reached out to candidates running for Windsor council. Here’s where Ward 10 candidates fall on the issues of healthcare, including their position on the new hospital as well as mental health and addiction issues, transit service, economic development, the environment and crime in Windsor.


Ward city council candidate Paul Borrelli. (Courtesy: Paul Borrelli)

Health Care

A prominent issue in Windsor is the present level of health care. The perceived ER wait times is a serious concern. We need more doctors and more nurses to help quell this on going issue. Of utmost importance is the need to modernize our existing facilities which are shamefully out of date. The overhaul of our Ouellette campus is overdue as well as the Metropolitan campus.

With the forecasted growth of our city and our aging population we will probably need both these campuses as short term emergency locals at the very least. The regional hospital which will be located, centrally, on County Rd 42 will provide state of the art acute health care for longer stays. Opponents to this site, especially several Ward Councillors, that have caused undue delays for the project should be held accountable. Enough is enough! With three facilities I’m certain that Windsor will come up to par with other health centres such as London Ontario.

Transit Service

As former member of Windsor’s Transportation Committee I am well aware of the challenges in fulfilling the aims and objectives of our Active Transportation initiative. Of utmost importance is the implementation of a truly regional system that covers the majority of Windsor-Essex region. As gas gets more expensive, cars become less affordable and the population ages we need a serious look at this mode of movement. Also, important is to look at electrifying our future buses to lower the carbon foot print. Electric cable buses in some areas, such as the core City, should also be considered. We had them in down town Windsor and Sandwich township at the turn of the century so now is time to review the idea again.

Economic Development

So often it is asked why Windsor, the “Gateway to Canada”, has not developed further and has often been left behind. As your Councillor and former Commissioner on the Windsor Utilities Commission I’ve witnessed many foreign corporations consider Windsor for investment to eventually take a pass on the area. The overriding reasons is the power lines lack of capacity and the existing deficiencies in our two gas pipelines to operate and generate electricity. We need to upgrade these facilities if we are going to attract manufacturing and create good paying jobs.

We also need to advocate and promote the development of a skilled work force. This is the only way if we’re going to make things in Windsor instead of China or India. We also need to continue to seek and attract alternative businesses to diversify our economy. Support for small business and new start-ups is also important to enhance our local economy.

The Environment

As former Chair of the Windsor-Essex County Environmental Committee I implore that our wet lands be preserved, our remaining woodlands, which we have so little of, be saved. We need to also be cognizant of the damage to our lakes from chemicals, plastic deposits and harmful debris. Our fresh water lakes are the envy of the world. For Ontario it’s “our oil”. Let’s bring them back to life again.

Crime in the City

Windsor’s Crime rate has become an increasing concern. The down town area has especially been affected with homelessness, vacant buildings, transients and drug addiction. There is no one solution to this complex problem. The problem is exacerbated by people coming to Windsor from other cities such as Toronto and London with no means of livelihood. We probably need more police enforcement but more important we need a way to help people that have mental health issues and who eventually resort to drugs and then crime of some sort.

The heart of the problem is probably unemployment. Windsor has one of the highest rates of unemployment. Creating meaningful jobs is a good first step to solve the crime rate. The social and psychological elements that are pervasive can then also be dealt with.

Other Issues

Ward 10 residents have spoken, we need to continue to hold the line on taxes. Of immediate concern is safety and crime especially in areas such as Remington Park and the south Howard business district. Expanded safety initiatives and police protection need to be implemented. Major restructuring of highly used Dominion Blvd with proper lanes and cyclist paths is necessary.

The need for traffic calming measures on some streets is high. Additional enforcement and various measures such as speed bumps and street surveillance need to be considered. Many areas of Ward10 are severely impacted by heavy rainfalls due to our outdated sewer system. Backyard and basement flooding is a problem. Special consideration may be necessary to speed up improvements in some areas in accordance with the Sewer Master Plan. Many areas such as Cleary to Daytona are in need of pedestrian and cyclist pathways. Requests for improvements of such areas need to be placed in the next capital budget. The South Cameron woodlot needs to be protected as well as any other wet land areas and environmentally sensitive lands. 


Windsor city council candidate Wally Chafchak. (Courtesy: Wally Chafchak)


Big problem that needs much more than just a simple answer. Sick people wants attention and respect and not large buildings.

Transit Service

Definitely needs improvement

Economic Development

We start at city hall by making it easy for residents to access services.

The Environment

Make services available

Crime in the city

Work more with provincial and federal government to hammer down on illegal weapons.

Lastly, is there an issue that stands out for you in your Ward or the city which has not been covered with these topics.


Windsor city council candidate Mark Masanovich. (Courtesy: Mark Masanovich)


All residents need access to health care - period. The new hospital at the proposed location is too far along to turn back now. In addition, I am also a proponent of a downtown emergency services campus. As your Windsor Ward 10 Councillor I will be pushing these issues forward in any fashion I can. Regarding mental health and addiction: these are not unique issues to Windsor, and we must work with the province and our local health experts to find permanent solutions to these growing concerns.

Transit Service

Transit service is integral to our community. Many of our residents in all walks of life use transit for a variety of reasons. Transit service is a life blood for many and as a municipality we need to work even harder with neighbourhoods and riders to ensure we are providing excellent service that is cost effective.

Economic Development

Bringing investment to the city by way of utilizing our excellence in manufacturing, tool and die, and mould is a given - but we need to go further to continue to focus on diversifying our economic footprint and growing our economy.

The Environment

The environment is everyone's concern. Clean air, water and land are a must. With the evolving nature of our manufacturing sector, by way of the significant investments in building the vehicles and powerplants of today and tomorrow, Windsor is becoming an environmental leader. Windsor should continue to pivot and emphasize our unique location, positive changes and continue to claim unused brownfield for constructive purposes. Parkland of all sorts is an important part of our area and provide immeasurably to our quality of life.=

Crime in the city

I have heard many stories throughout Ward 10 of varying degrees of crime. We have to create safer communities and part of that means more community outreach with Police, Fire and other municipal services. It also includes follow up with these agencies. Residents need better communication.

Other Issues

Infrastructure. Infrastructure. Infrastructure. Ward 10 is in the middle of the city. We need to fix, finish, and improve our infrastructure. This includes roads, trails, antiquated septic, open ditches, dangerous intersections, etc. We connect more wards than any other and are in the heart of the city - our infrastructure needs to be completed.


Windsor city council candidate Jim Morrison. (Source: Jim Morrison/Facebook)


Probably the most important issue in this election is getting the new Regional Hospital built as quickly as possible. I will not let it get derailed. Mental health and addiction issues affect our homelessness problem, public safety and crime. I have advocated for a safe injection site downtown and I will support and push forward with a new H4 Hub (homelessness, healthcare, housing and help).

Transit Service

Transit has been greatly affected by the pandemic with low ridership, so adding to the service last year did not make sense. We should now look at the data and strongly consider adding to the service with the 418X route in the next budget.

Economic Development

We are poised for a real economic boom in the next few years with the EV Battery Plant, spinoff plants, the Gordie Howe Bridge and the new Hospital. However, there is still some risk if we drop the ball on some issues. These include the need for electricity and infrastructure. I will help make sure they are taken care of.

The Environment

My ward has the South Cameron Woodlot and Wetlands. I will fight to make sure they are protected.

Crime in the city

In the next budget, I will look seriously at increasing our police force to be more visible in our neighbourhoods.

Other Issues

The next big project in Ward 10 will be the next phase of work on Dominion, going north from Northwood to Ojibway. It will be 3 lanes with a turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalk and no more ditches. There will also be traffic lights at Ojibway. 

*The submissions have not been edited for grammar or content. Top Stories

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