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Traffic blitz results in nearly 500 charges for Essex County drivers

Windsor, Ont. -

The final results of a traffic blitz in Essex County over the holiday weekend had police issuing nearly 500 charges, 289 of which for speeding.

The Ontario Provincial Police in Essex County participated in a community focused traffic safety initiative across the county from June 26 to July 4. The purpose was to target speeding/aggressive driving, distracted driving, and failure to properly wear seatbelts — the “Big 4 Offences.”

Police say these offences are contributing factors to serious collisions on Ontario roadways.

"As we enter the summer months of 2021, Essex County OPP will continue to ensure the safe passage of all residents and visitors to the area through strict enforcement and education of our drinking and driving laws on our roadways, waterways and trails,” Essex County OPP detachment commander, Glenn Miller, said in a news release.

During the traffic blitz OPP members laid nearly 500 charges including:

  • Speeding – 289
  • Failure to properly Wear Seatbelts - 10
  • Stunt Driving - 8
  • Distracted Driving - 2
  • Liquor Licence Act - 7
  • Other Highway Traffic Act/Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act - 167
  • Off Road Vehicle related charges - 14
  • Other Criminal Code driving charges – 1

“The instances of stunt driving continues to be a concern throughout our communities. For those drivers who engage in aggressive driving, not only are you placing yourself and the public at risk, but your vehicle will be subject to a longer period of impoundment,” Miller said. “How much pressure you exert on your gas pedal is your choice however don't expect the use of your vehicle for 14 days for it will be held in a secure compound. Remember, driving remains a privilege and a speed sign is not a suggestion but the law.” Top Stories

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