Area politicians and officials from Windsor Regional Hospital came together Monday afternoon to push the province to move forward with funding for the proposed mega-hospital for Windsor-Essex.

Hospital CEO David Musyj says Stage 1B of the hospital infrastcuture project is under review by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care - stage two of a five-stage process.

The next stage would see the beginning of funding to move forward with design and technical discussions for the proposed facility, the hospital says.

Representatives of multiple levels of government were at the news conference, including Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens and MPPs Taras Matyshak and Percy Hatfield, among others.

A statement released by the hospital explains that a letter has been issued to the province emphasizing the region's commitment and the need for funding.

The project is estimated to cost $2 billion.

Musyj also revealed the hashtag #WEareready will be used to build support for the new mega-hospital.

Recently the project was hit with a $10-million lawsuit launched by a company which claims it had the top score in phase one of the hospital site selection process.

A link to the letter submitted to the ministry of health can be found here.