WINDSOR, ONT -- The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is reporting 45 new cases of COVID-19 and no new deaths Saturday.

The death toll related to COVID-19 is at 414 people.

Windsor-Essex has had a total of 15,479 confirmed cases of the virus, including 14,656 people who have recovered, 409 cases are active.

Medical officer of health Dr. Wajid Ahmed gave his weekly epidemiological summary on Friday, noting a slight downward trend.

The weekly case rate is 91.6 cases / 100,000 population and for the last seven days, it's 82.9 / 100,000 population. The per cent positivity is 6.5 per cent for the full week and the R0 (effective) is 0.94.


15 cases are community acquired

11 cases are close contacts of confirmed cases

two cases are outbreak related

17 cases are still under investigation.

There are 15 Windsor-Essex residents with confirmed cases of COVID-19 in hospital.

Hospitalizations and ICU admissions are increaseing in Windsor-Essex. Dr. Wajid Ahmed, Medical Officer of Health, attributes that to the transfer of patients from other regions to Windsor.


9 workplaces declared a COVID-19 outbreak

two community outbreaks

1 long-term care or retirement home is in COVID-19 outbreak

1 school is in outbreak.


154,514 WEC residents have received at least one dose of a vaccine

140,636 WEC residents have received only 1 dose of a vaccine

13,878 WEC residents have received both doses of a vaccine

A total of 168,392 doses have been administered to WEC residents

The health unit is planning two pop-up clinics for residents age 18 and older in the N9A and N9C postal code areas on Monday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be walk-up only. WECHU expects to have about 1,000 doses at both sites.

“The end is almost near,” says Ahmed. “I truly want people to adhere to the public health measures so we can continue to get rid of this pandemic and move on with the rest of our activities that we like to do.”