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Windsor rally calls for stronger measures to protect Ontario's ecosystems and biodiversity

About 20 people, including climate activist and rally organizer April Ellis (fourth from the left) held a rally dubbed the "Rally to Reclaim Our Future" at Windsor City Hall in Windsor, Ont. on Feb. 26, 2023. (Sanjay Maru/CTV News Windsor) About 20 people, including climate activist and rally organizer April Ellis (fourth from the left) held a rally dubbed the "Rally to Reclaim Our Future" at Windsor City Hall in Windsor, Ont. on Feb. 26, 2023. (Sanjay Maru/CTV News Windsor)

A group in Windsor, Ont. is calling for stronger measures to protect the province's remaining ecosystems and biodiversity, which they said are threatened by corporate-led development.

Dubbed the "Rally to Reclaim Our Future," about 20 people gathered in front of Windsor City Hall to call for changes to governmental policies.

They said the Progressive Conservative government and have unleashed a "full-on assault" on the environment. They warn that once greenspace is lost, habitats may never be recovered.

"We are seeing development of farmlands, woodlots and other habitats where we have species at risk," said climate activist and rally organizer April Ellis.

Ellis added, "We also have the introduction of new natural gas plants which is going to increase emissions throughout the province by about 400 per cent in the next seven years.”

Protesters are calling for the return of conservation authority powers and protection of their lands from development.

They're also calling for the repeal of Bill 23 and housing solutions that promote urban densification, including more supportive and rent-geared-to-income housing. Top Stories

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