It's that time of year when pesky ticks and Lyme disease need to be of concern.

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has started its tick surveillance program and spent Thursday morning sweeping Ojibway Park.

Members of the environmental health department wore white from top to bottom while dragging sheets through the grass to try and collect the small bugs for testing.

In 2017, 386 ticks were submitted for identification.

Of that total, 32 were black-legged ticks and two tested positive for Lyme disease.

Health inspector Elaine Bennett tells CTV News there are a few things you can do to protect yourself.

“It’s always a good idea to wear light-coloured clothing and stay covered up, which means long-sleeved shirts and long-sleeved pants,” says Bennett. “Go ahead and tuck those pants into your socks for added protection and wear DEET.”

If someone is bitten by a tick, they are asked to remove it with a pair of tweezers or a 'tick key' and contact your doctor.

The Chrysler Greenway, Gestwood Camp and the Ruscom Conservation Area will also be dragged later this summer.