WINDSOR, ONT. -- A community fridge project is returning to Windsor after a brief hiatus.
The purpose is to help reduce food insecurity for anyone facing financial difficulties during the on-going COVID-19 global pandemic.
“I’m so excited to have us back up and running! It’s been such an amazing experience,” organizer Virginia Facecchia says the concept is take what you need, leave what you can, free of charge.
“We want this fridge to be accessible to anybody, even if you have a home or aren’t on the street, you might still be food insecure or might still need some extra support,” she said
Earlier this month, the fridge had to be removed from its original sidewalk location a few blocks up the street. Facecchia cited permit and insurance concerns.
The green fridge can now be found in a private parking lot at 565 Pelissier Street.
“We were getting an average of 50 plus people a day probably coming by to take food, with the food filling up with people donating every single morning and then clearing out by the end of the day,” Facecchia said.
Donations of fresh produce and water bottles are needed.
Facecchia tells CTV news community fridge networks have already been established in the Greater Toronto Area, New York and California.