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Out-of-town business owner sees opportunity downtown Windsor, opening new store


An out-of-town business owner says he doesn’t know the city of Windsor very well, but sees potential for the downtown.

“I play the long run game,” Kish, the owner of Not for Everyone, or N4E1, said.

N4E1 is a new store selling premium apparel. Their grand opening in Windsor is scheduled for one week from Monday and will be the fourth outlet in Ontario.

Originally from Toronto, Kish thinks Windsor is a great city but acknowledges there are some challenges.

He believes downtown is on its way back.

“I think the future is going to be great. I'm actually not afraid of it. I'm looking forward to it. I like a challenge myself too,” he said. “That's what our brand is. N4E1. Separating yourself from the rest of the pack and fitting in.”

There are problems and blight in the core but there are projects on the go giving downtown some momentum.

Buildings are being renovated and businesses are opening.

“There is great optimism down there,” said Windsor mayor Drew Dilkens. “We're going to continue to support development and be a big part of it. At the end of the day we all have a shared goal and that is to see our downtown succeed.”

Windsor native Kelly Beaudoin remembers visiting downtown with her grandmother when retail stores were in abundance. She still visits the core and has faith in the direction it is headed.

“In ten years I truly believe this building (pointing at the Canada Building), all these apartments going up, we will have, it will be like it was before,” she said.

The Downtown BIA will soon have a new board of directors and some of those members are keen to keep the momentum going.

“What we really want to focus on is safety and security. Number one concern,” said Ray Blanchard, owner of the Bitcoin Building on Pelissier Street and in-coming BIA board member.

With a future that includes the EV plant and more supply chain companies, he believes setting up the downtown for success is important.

“If you're going to have a city that's growing like that and the population is going to grow you have to have a good downtown,” Blanchard said.

Ward 3 city councilor and incoming board member Renaldo Agostino says when he arrived in Windsor 33 years ago, downtown was bustling with activity. He wants to help make downtown beautiful and agrees with Blanchard on the need to make downtown safe.

“Making everyone feel safe and secure,” Agostino said. “That’s what’s going to move the needle and I think we’ll be able to do it in the next four years. I really do or I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing.” Top Stories

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