WINDSOR, ONT. -- The Medical Officer of Health for Chatham-Kent reported the municipality was a third of the way to get 75 per cent of the eligible population vaccinated against COVID-19.
Dr. David Colby said the 75 per cent was a projected estimate from provincial experts on the population expected to get a shot.
Colby hoped Chatham-Kent will surpass that estimate.
Already Colby said that 27 per cent of the population 16 years of age and older had been vaccinated.
Despite that progress Colby added the stay-at-home order announced on Wednesday was necessary as the third wave of COVID-19 infections puts a strain on hospitals in province.
“This is the highest level of response we have,” stated Colby.
“Municipal officials worry about the further economic strain the shutdown will have on some businesses.Current restrictions are not meant to penalize people,” said Chatham-Kent CAO, Don Shropshire.
Shropshire added the economic impact from restrictions felt by businesses has not been uniform, and noted some business owners have been able to change their operations and thrive, while others have struggled.
He observed that the landscaping businesses seemed to be doing well, while sectors like hospitality have suffered a great impact.
Shropshire said they have been in talks with upper levels of government to help provide a coordinated approach.
“How do we collectively put together a package to see those businesses get through this period?” asked Shropshire.
The mayor hopes this will be the last lockdown but remains unsure.
“We are all following that way and hope we can move on without having to do this again,” said mayor Darrin Canniff.