A Windsor dog is being hailed a hero for helping save an elderly man who was having a heart attack.
Bella and her owner Rob Sheardown were returning to their apartment on Sunday when she refused to get into the elevator.
"She pulled me from the elevator into the lobby,” says Sheardown. “In behind one of the couches there was a gentlemen having an apparent heart attack.”
Sheardown says he and the four-year-old canine had just returned to their apartment after a walk. It was the first time Bella refused to get into the elevator.
Ever obedient to her master, Sheardown says Bella caught him off guard when she wouldn't listen to his commands. He says she dragged him at full speed to the elderly man.
"She astounded me though because I never expected that," says Sheardown.
Sheardown says Bella doesn't approach strangers unless he gives the okay, but this time she took matters into her own paws while he called 911.
"She laid down next to the gentlemen and kept her paw on his arm and she remained there until the paramedics got there,” he says.
Bella’s story was posted on the Windsor /Essex County Humane Society Facebook page, where she is being called a hero.
"Everybody's amazed, just amazed at her!"
Sheardown adopted the dog from the shelter in July.
As for the heart attack patient, Sheardown says he's doing okay.