The path to regional transit in Windsor-Essex has received the green light.
Council on Monday approved the proposal for Transit Windsor to operate a bus to Leamington six days a week, with stops at the municipal recreation centres in Kingsville and Essex.
Windsor’s Environment, Transportation Standing Committee approved the five-year pilot project last month in a partnership with Leamington after the town received a provincial grant of more than $600,000 earlier this year.
Under the plan, one bus would make three roundtrips a day, five days a week – one in the morning, one midday and a final trip during the late afternoon. Two trips would be scheduled on Saturday’s.
Executive director Pat Delmore wants the service to begin in July.
Under the plan, the routes will connect with the Transit Windsor system at St. Clair College.
The ride would cost $10 one way or $15 roundtrip.
A monthly pass would cost $250.
Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald says their funding ends in 2023, but she feels that is enough time to see if regional transit is sustainable.