Unifor is inviting community members to a People’s Trade Town Hall.
The event, hosted by Unifor Local’s 200 and 444, is the fifth event organized across the country to document the ideas and experiences of residents and trade deals.
“This is part of a nation-wide discussion on what a People’s Trade agenda would look like and the steps required to achieve progressive international trade deals,” said Dave Cassidy, president of Unifor Local 444.
Findings of the town halls will be used to create a summary report and a set of people’s recommendations that Unifor will submit to the federal government to guide future trade deals.
"We’re engaging workers and communities to help build a constructive political dialogue on trade that works for people and not just corporations,” said John D’Agnolo, president of Unifor Local 200.
Essex MP and International Trade Critic Tracey Ramsey will be at the event as a guest speaker.
“Trade is an issue that impacts all of us, every worker, and every community,” says Unifor national president Jerry Dias. “This is especially evident as the U.S. escalates a trade war with attacks on Canadian industries including auto, steel and aluminum.”
The town hall is scheduled for Wednesday from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the union hall at 1855 Turner Rd.
Additional town halls will also be held in the fall.
To find out more about the People’s Trade campaign visitunifor.org/peoplestrade