Windsor-Essex has answered the call for help, again.

Officials from the Salvation Army issued a call for help on Friday, needing to raise $38,000 in 24 hours to reach their Kettle Campaign goal of $315,000 this year.

Public Relations & Development Representative, Shannon Wise, tells CTV Windsor they reached their goal.

"We raised $316,731 by the end of the day Saturday," says Wise. "Money is still trickling in too. We are so grateful to the community for helping us reach our goal."

The money will support different Salvation Army programs and services to help the less fortunate in Windsor-Essex.

“Hidden poverty is a real issue in Windsor and our campaign has to be successful in order to help the most vulnerable in our city,” says Wise.

Donations can be made online at,, or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY.