WINDSOR, ONT. -- As the pandemic continues to keep some sectors shutdown, a new startup company is hoping to “fog out” COVID-19.
Go Fog It is a company that specializes in disinfectant and sanitizing in commercial and residential spaces.
It launched in Windsor-Essex last week, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We go into businesses and disinfect them to 99.99 per cent of all pathogens, which means viruses and germs,” says owner Beau Dubois.
According to Dubois, the disinfectant is Health Canada approved, and EPA registered.
“It’s the same type of technology that they use in hospitals, aircrafts,” says Dubois.
The non-toxic, plant based chemical is sprayed onto surfaces using a fog machine.
After 30 minutes, everything dissipates, gets disinfected and everyone is safe to return inside.
“In the future, this might be the gold standard,” Dubois tells CTV Windsor.
The company first opened up in London over a month ago, and has since expanded north and south of the 401.
In just over a week of operations in Windsor, Dubois says they’ve completed six foggings.
His team spent Wednesday morning disinfecting Super Bowl Lanes.
“We’re just hoping that it works great and it keeps this place as safe as it can,” says owner Cory Clarkson.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clarkson says he had a cleaning crew daily inside the facility.
Moving forward, he’s going the extra mile to make sure his business is as clean as possible.
“We’re going to get it done every other week. Forever, now,” says Clarkson.