The Essex Region Conservation Authority headed up tree-planting activities Sunday as part of continuing Earth Day festivities.

It was ERCA’s 18th annual Earth Day tree planting event in the city.

More than 2,000 native trees and shrubs were planted in the McHugh Park area.

The trees were purchased by the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup group.

More than 1,000 volunteers helped out this year.

Officials say it's a day to take action to improve the earth, while also starting to build environmental awareness so that people can make each day Earth Day.

Children who have taken part in this event over the years continue to do so now as teenagers. Organizers say that's a positive step going forward, for taking care of the environment.

“This is becoming part of children’s every day frame of reference is to be conscious of their recycling. To be conscious about water conservation, to choose products with less packaging (and to have) garbage free lunches when they're taking their lunches to work and the importance of tree planting every day for our environment,” says Danielle Breault Stuebing of ERCA.