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Don’t call 911 about coyotes unless it’s an emergency: LaSalle police

A coyote is seen in this generic image. (Source: Getty Images) A coyote is seen in this generic image. (Source: Getty Images)

LaSalle police are reminding residents to not call 911 about coyotes unless it is an emergency.

In a social media post on Thursday, police said coyotes are part of the natural ecosystem in almost every community across Ontario, including major cities. Caution should always be taken with coyotes, and residents are urged to learn about managing conflicts with all wildlife in their area.

The Town of LaSalle has some tips on what to do if you see a coyote:

  • Keep your distance and the animal will most likely avoid you
  • Never approach, touch, or feed a wild animal
  • Keep trash cans covered
  • Avoid leaving pets outside unattended
  • When walking your dog, keep them on a leash and close by
  • Cats should be kept indoors or supervised while outside
  • Never run or turn your back on a coyote, slowly back away

The Ministry of Natural Resources also has information online on preventing and managing conflicts with coyotes.

Unless the coyote poses an imminent threat, police say do not call 911 which is reserved for emergencies only. If necessary you can contact the LaSalle Police Service directly at 519 969-5210. Top Stories

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