Lawyers overseeing a class-action lawsuit against Windsor and Tecumseh over bingo licensing fees will be asking the court to stop the recently launched opt-out campaign.

The city and town launched the campaign on Saturday, which includes a website with information as well as advertisements, videos and a media blitz.

The campaign is calling on local charities and organizations to opt out of the class action lawsuit, which dates back to 1993.  It could end up costing the city $70 million if the allegations are proven in court, which claim that too much money was charged for bingo licensing fees. 

Lawyers from Lerners Law Firm in London say they will make a formal motion before Justice Patterson on Monday.

Kevin Ross says they plan to raise concerns about the conduct of the defendant and ask that the city and town cease and desist their current campaign. 

Meanwhile, Mayor Drew Dilkens told media last night that two groups have already submitted opt out forms.