Close to 700 Grade 11 and 12 students in Windsor-Essex are under suspension Tuesday because of incomplete immunization records.
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit says final suspension notices were sent to students Feb. 1.
The health unit is urging students to update their records as soon as possible to avoid missing school.
"Suspensions, while mandated by law through the Immunization of School Pupils Act, are a last resort for us," said Stacy Manzerolle, manager of the Healthy Schools program at the local health unit. "Although the suspensions can last up to 20 days, we are hoping students will update their records in a timely manner."
Suspended students have two ways to update records:
• Having a health care provider call or fax proof of immunization to the Health Unit. (Fax: 519-258-7288)
• Bringing the proof of immunization in person to a health unit between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
If suspended students wish to return to school the same day they update their record, they will need to visit the health unit in person to obtain a rescind letter and present it to their school principal. Otherwise, they may wait until the following school day at which time they will no longer be on the suspension list.
The health unit says staff will attempt to process the information as soon as possible.
Updated suspension lists will be faxed to school principals each morning before 8 a.m.
You can also book an appointment by calling 519-258-2146 ext. 1222.