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'We’re thrilled!': Store owners in Essex rejoice as Talbot Street opens early


Business in the Town of Essex is quickly picking up now that Talbot Street has reopened to through traffic, ahead of schedule, following many months of streetscape construction closure.

The road officially returned to motorists on Nov. 13 after work began last spring.

“It's just so much easier to get through town now,” exclaimed Blimeys British Store & Gift Shop Manager Mark Hulme. “I really feel like it's just an awesome time to come out and check out all the beautiful stores here in Essex Centre.”

Officials initially anticipated work would last through December, but are now encouraging residents and visitors alike to return for the holiday shopping season.

Hulme said, “I think it can be tough for different businesses, but I think Essex as a whole is a really strong community. Wrapping up before the Christmas season is absolutely awesome. So we're thrilled.”

Hulme explained, “I mean, it's never ideal when your main street is closed off, but it's one of those necessary evils you know, you just [have to] go through the ugly to get the good.”

Others like the owner of Stepping Out Fashion Boutique, Ann Pittao, told CTV News business has boomed since Talbot Street traffic resumed.

“Oh, it looks fantastic. I'm thrilled with the outcome,” Pittao said. “Everybody shopping is loving the open streets. They love the parking. They like how easy it is [to get] around. Yeah, nice smooth sidewalks. It looks great!”

Mayor Sherry Bondy noted The Essex Centre BIA’s Downtown Dollars program sold out fast earlier this week, suggesting people are excited to walk and shop in Essex Centre again.

“That $70,000 getting put into our businesses and this is the time to shop local,” Bondy said.

“The feedback has been amazing,” she continued. “It's time to really think local again and with the holiday season, this is exactly what our businesses need.”

Bondy said there is still work to be done on the $9 million project, noting streetlights should be hooked up next week and that Victoria Avenue will remain closed into the New Year.

“With any new project there are some growing pains, and construction is almost wrapped up for this year. A few more trees. A few more bricks to put in. But it's almost wrapped up this year and then we'll continue finishing Victoria [Avenue] next year,” said Bondy.

She continued, “About three quarters of Victoria [Avenue] needs to be done. We're having a beautiful active transportation trail on Victoria [Avenue] and you can already see what it's going to look like, so Victoria [Avenue] is long overdue as was the main street of Essex. So we have a really nice facelift here. We want to thank everybody for their patience.”

Bondy said the work should be complete by next spring, and said more road projects in the area are expected to begin in the near future, “We have more coming, we have a couple of intersections. Arthur Gosfield Maidstone, that is long overdue as well. And then we're looking at Irwin [Avenue], which is probably the worst condition road in our urban center here, and that's over a $4 million price tag. Much awaited. So the cool thing is, is this council is making some bold and focused moves to get a lot of core projects done here which you know, they've been long time coming, so I'm really proud of the work that this council has done to make these big changes and improvements.” Top Stories

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