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Leon found not guilty in second-degree murder trial


A Windsor jury has reached a not guilty verdict in the second-degree murder trial of a Toronto man.

Frederick Leon, 29, pleaded not guilty for his actions in the death of Jovan Burgher, 30.

“Obviously we’re very relieved by this verdict and I know Mr. Leon, he's just looking forward to putting this all behind him and moving forward,” said defence lawyer Morris Luft.

The jury started their deliberations Thursday afternoon and was sequestered overnight before returning with their verdict in the noon hour Friday.

They found Leon not guilty.

“He has been out on bail for more than two years under very strict conditions,” said Luft.

At trial, Leon argued his actions were self-defence after Burgher aimed and fired a gun in his direction on May 18, 2021.

“What caused much of the delay was just backlog having a lot to do with COVID,” said Luft.

Burgher, who is from Brampton, died of complications from multiple blunt force injuries.

“Our arguments were, a guy who he didn't know pulled out a gun, tried to shoot him and a struggle for his life ensued to disarm that male,” said Luft.

Meanwhile, in a statement to CTV Windsor, Assistant Crown Attorney said, "There were many challenging issues for the jury to consider. The Crown thanks the jury for their time, patience, and consideration. We respect the jury’s ecision." Top Stories

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