While the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority says there is less snowmelt and runoff due to current weather conditions, there is an ice jam causing water levels to rise upstream. 

 "At this time, flows are not high enough to present a risk of ice jam related flooding for the community of Thamesville.  However, it is causing flooding of the low lying, mostly agricultural, areas adjacent to the Thames River," a news release says.

From the 5th Street Bridge in Chatham to Crow Road, the ice cover on the Thames River has melted, except for a small accumulations around bridges. 

From there to the mouth at Lighthouse Cove, the ice sheet is intact, but weakened with numerous holes in the ice due to melting.

The LTVCA reminds people to be careful and avoid the river, lakes, ditches, streams and ponds. Ice conditions are poor and a combination of slippery banks, melting ice and cold water is particularly dangerous.