The Great Canadian Flag at the foot of Ouellette Avenue in Windsor is closer to being a reality.

At 18 metres wide, the massive flag will be about the size of a basketball court and it will be visible from near and far.

Residents from six local Chartwell retirement homes gathered with city, county and emergency officials  Monday morning, all supporting the Great Canadian Flag Project.

The plan is to hoist an the flag at the foot of Ouellette Avenue at the Detroit River.

It's an idea first tabled in the 1980s, but has gained most traction within the last four years.

“Our deal with the City of Windsor is we got to raise the first 200,000 before we can put the hole in the ground,” says project chair Peter Hrastovec. “We're more than there at this time."

Thousands of dollars worth of donations from various groups were presented to help achieve the project's fundraising goal at $355,000.

Eighty veterans collectively reside within the Chartwell Retirement Community, making the Great Canadian Flag Project one they fully support.