The Greater Essex County District School Board has been awarded three capital priorities grants from the Ontario Ministry of Education.

The funding allotment totals $21.76 million, which will impact four school communities.

Eastwood and Parkview in Forest Glade will consolidate for a 501 pupil place school with a capital budget of $11.08 million. Four childcare rooms will also be included at a budget of $2.11 million.

“By consolidating the two schools, it's going to be the right size based on the number of students that we have in the area and the projected numbers in the future,” says Todd Awender, the Superintendent of Education for Accommodations.

If all goes according to plan, the board says the new school in Windsor will be open in 2020.

As part of Wednesday’s announcement, there will be an addition to Queen Elizabeth Public School in Leamington, with a $1.7 million grant to build a three classroom addition for 78 students.

Essex Public School Daycare gets a ministry grant of $3.7 million to build seven childcare rooms.