A look at the candidates running in the Essex riding in the 2019 federal election, listed in alphabetical order by last name:
Green Party - Jennifer Alderson
Jen is a human resources professional for a local automotive parts manufacturer in Lakeshore. Alderson says she is an advocate for the local sustainable food movement which encouraged her to create the Belle River Farmers’ Market. Jen is married and has an eight-year-old daughter.
People's Party of Canada - Bill Capes
Bill is a highly experienced multi-trade machining professional by trade and currently works as a machine leader at Southwest Manufacturing Inc. This is Bill’s first run in politics, who was inspired by the People’s Party of Canada’s pledge to work for everyday Canadians instead of special interest groups.
Liberal Party - Audrey Festeryga
Audrey was born and raised in Essex County as a first generation Canadian on her family’s farm near Wheatley, Ont. Her second time running for the Liberal Party, Audrey is also a lawyer and human resources specialist and lives in Kingsville with her husband Peter and have two grown children.
Conservative Party - Chris Lewis
Chris is a small business owner and has a passion for community service, having served as a councillor for the Town of Kingsville and also served as a firefighter.The small business owner is married with three teenaged children.
New Democrat Party - Tracey Ramsey
Tracey Ramsey is a former line worker at Essex Engine Plant before stepping into politics, garnering 41 per cent of the vote to win the Essex riding in 2015. She served as the NDP’s Critic for International Trade and was vocal during the NAFTA renegotiations.