A Windsor cab driver, who had his taxi licence revoked for alleged bad behaviour, says he is not going to appeal the city’s decision.

The city’s Deputy Licensing Commissioner, Craig Robertson, says the taxi-regulating commission revoked Misbahul Mishu Kabir’s taxi licence on Wednesday.

Robertson tells CTV Windsor they received many complaints regarding the Windsor cab driver. The list included charging flat rates, yelling at customers, speeding and unsafe driving.

“We’ve had a long history of undesirable behaviour with this cab driver,” admits Robertson, who adds they forced Kabir to retake a customer service course just last year.

But in an interview with CTV News, Kabir believes he has done nothing wrong.

“It is not fair, but I choose to get out,” says Kabir. “I didn't take anybody's money without their right or any bad behaviour."

Robertson says the city conducted an undercover investigation and found Kabir was driving his own vehicle when his taxi cab was in the repair shop. That is against the city’s bylaw.

Robertson confirms Kabir had a taxi plate since at least 2007 and became an independent broke in 2015.

At this point, Kabir is not allowed to drive a taxi cab, or provide those types of services in the city.

Kabir can reapply for his taxi licence but it must be approved by Windsor’s licensing commission.

Kabir tells CTV News he is currently applying to drive for the ride sharing company Uride.