The Salvation Army ensured nobody had to spend Thanksgiving weekend alone or hungry.
Community and Family Services Manager at the local Salvation Army, Susan Falodun, says it was a full house as more than 300 people were served a turkey dinner Sunday.
"We found out that it's a real need,” she says.
"One of the happy moments for me was when a couple came in and they're saying to me that this is their 5th anniversary and they feel very happy having a lot of people with them. It's like people came to celebrate with them."
Local philantropist Sam Sinjari donated more than 40 turkeys for the dinner.
The Salvation Army also holds an annual Christmas dinner and has expanded its services throughout the year.
"We're providing a community meal and we're doing that for four days in a week and from that we found out that it's actually a need in the community,” Falodun says.
Last year the Sally Ann food bank served more than 12,000 in Windsor.
"We are now the centre of hope, giving hope to the community. So we are really becoming the hope in Windsor," she says.