Windsor police say there was no foul play or intent to cause harm after a nine-year-old girl stepped into a hole at Realtor Park and onto on a board full of nails.
On Sunday, July 8, police attended a home near Realtor Park after a report she was injured by the nail-board. The girl received a minor injury – but the complainant, Dennis Godfrey, was concerned that the board had possibly been set as a trap, as it had been concealed in a hole dug in the ground.
“There was this piece of wood with eight nails hammered through it, stuck in her foot,” says Godfrey. “I went over there and somebody had dug a hole, covered the hole and then put these nails with the board in the hole.”
Police have determined the hole was dug by two young boys. As it turns out, it was intentionally dug as a trap, but it was intended for rodents.
“The boys had been playing in the park and set the board with nails in a hole with the intention of catching rodents in the area,” said Sgt. Steve Betteridge in a media release. “The boys were extremely remorseful, and informed their parents as soon as they realized someone had been injured.”
Police say the case serves as an excellent reminder of how safety and community well-being must be considered at all times. Betteridge also commends the boys who were responsible for stepping up and informing adults about their actions.
Godfrey says his daughter is limping as one of the nails punctured her toe, but she is otherwise fine.