WINDSOR, ONT. -- The Essex Region Conservation Authority has issued a flood watch for portions of the Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie shorelines due to strong winds.
The watch is in effect for the Lake St. Clair shoreline from Belle River to Tilbury North in Lakeshore and for the western shoreline of Pelee Island in Lake Erie.
Winds are currently moderate and generally out of the north. By Monday afternoon, winds are expected to have shifted and come out of the northwest and increase in speeds over 40 km/hr, with the potential for frequent gusts over 60 km/hr.
Forecasts suggest that these conditions may last through Monday and Tuesday and subside by Wednesday.
Based on the predicted wind speeds, ERCA says there is the possibility for near shore erosion with wave overtopping and spray along the Lake St. Clair shoreline, specifically the areas between Belle River and Lighthouse Cove in the Town of Lakeshore. In the areas of direct wave attack, there is also the possibility of breakwall damage.
These wind conditions also pose an additional threat of erosion to the western shoreline of Pelee Island.
With lake levels still elevated, the Leamington should continue to monitor the flood control dykes in the Southeast Leamington Area, including the Mersea Road 1 Dyke and the Marentette Dyke.
ERCA says Leamington officials should continue to monitor the shoreline area along Point Pelee Drive. Windsor should continue to monitor water levels along the flood control dykes within the Little River Drain corridor.
People are encouraged to stay safe and to take extra caution to avoid areas where flooding is occurring as well as rivers, streams, and shoreline areas during significant rainfall and wind events. The combination of slippery banks, waves, waves overtopping shoreline structures, and fast moving water can be dangerous.
The advisory is in effect until Wednesday.