Incumbent Windsor mayoral candidate Drew Dilkens is not surprised by the endorsement for one of his political opponents.

CTV News first reported on Monday that one of the region’s most influential unions will be endorsing Matt Marchand in this fall’s municipal election.

The President of Unifor Local 444, David Cassidy, said Marchand was involved in discussions when the provincial government implemented new minimum wage regulations.

Cassidy was also critical of Dilkens during the 60-day strike by 2,200 workers at Caesars Windsor.

Dilkens tells CTV Windsor he is not surprised the union is endorsing Marchand, the former President and CEO of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Dilkens suggests in the 1990’s -- when Marchand worked as a policy advisor in the mayor's office -- special interests such as unions were put ahead of city interests.

He says this latest endorsement signals a return to the past.

“I'm not surprised to see organized labour come out and endorse my competitor, in fact he hasn't even released a platform, so they're endorsing a candidate without a platform,” says Dilkens. “I'm not surprised about that, and him having an interest in putting special interests first, that kind of makes sense to me. But let me tell you, my interest always has been, and always will be the interests of the taxpayers of the City of Windsor, period."

Unifor Local 444’s endorsement is not considered a surprise, considering the former local president Dino Chiodo is on Marchand's campaign committee. 

The Windsor-District Labour Council still has yet to make a decision.

President Brian Hogan tells CTV Windsor their group will sit down next Tuesday and go through each and every candidate, to find the ones they want to support.

Dilkens and Marchand are running for mayor along with three other candidates -- Frank Dyck, Tom Hensel and Ernie Lamont.

Municipal Election Day is Oct. 22.