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Need a job? The City of Windsor has 200 open positions

City of Windsor employee layoffs

If you are looking for a job, the City of Windsor has around 200 open positions it needs to fill.

“It’s more (vacancies) than normal because of those vaccination policy implications,” explains Jason Reynar, chief administrative officer for the City of Windsor.

On Jan 4, the city announced more than 100 employees received termination letters for failing to comply with the vaccination policy.

Since then, around 20 employees have submitted proof of vaccination which prevented them from losing their jobs.

According to Reynar, the rest of the vacancies can be attributed to retirement and workers finding employment elsewhere.

“We also review our positions just to make sure that they continue to be relevant for what the community needs,” says Reynar.

The city is hiring for part-time and full-time positions in various sectors.

“We actually have a challenge just across the board,” Reynar says. “The labour market is really tight. Everything from skilled professionals, skill trades right through to engineers and accountants.”

For current postings visit the City of Windsor website. Top Stories

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