OPP are advising the public about a missing three-foot python in Lakeshore.
Police say the owner was moving the snake on 1st Street near Broadway Street when it slithered away around 4:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon.
Despite an extensive search he was unable to locate it. Authorities say the snake is non-venomous and it is not known to be aggressive towards humans.
According to herpetologist Steve Marks, the snake faces a serious health risk with our current weather conditions.
“To have it out in this kind of temperature, in this weather, it's not going to be good for the animal, it's going to be really slow moving and it's going to need some veterinarian care after it's found.
Marks says ball pythons are commonly kept as pets. The animal is a native to western Africa and is most comfortable in 32 C weather. Marks says if residents do come across the snake, it will likely be timid and scared.
"You're more than welcome to pick the snake up with your hands and put it in some form of containment and call the OPP."
They ask if anyone should locate the snake to call OPP at 1-888-310-1122.