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'Impossible to enforce': Border rules require mandatory masking for 14 days after international travel


The days of showing a negative COVID test before returning to Canada are over, but international travel still comes with some strings attached.

Despite Ontario dropping its masks mandates, all travellers entering Canada must “properly wear a well-constructed and well-fitting mask when in public spaces, both indoors and outdoors” for 14 days after entry.

“It’s literally impossible to enforce. It’s a personal responsibility,” says Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens.

“The rule is in place because when you are travelling outside, you don't know level of transmission there,” explains Dr. Zahid Butt, public health professor at the University of Waterloo. “Since there is no more testing, if the person has COVID the mask will prevent the person from transmitting the virus.”

Some federal rules after entering Canada are different from the provincial rules. In this case, travellers must follow the stricter rules.

For example, if you are selected for random testing at the border and test positive, you will have to isolate for ten days even though the Ontario standard is five days.

“There is disharmony between federal rules and what’s happening provincially or locally. It’s going to cause a lot of confusion for people who are returning from the United States,” says Dilkens.

Travellers will also be required to “maintain a list of all close contacts and locations you visit” for 14 days. Top Stories

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