A look at the candidates running in the Chatham-Kent-Leamington riding in the 2019 federal election, listed in alphabetical order by last name:
People's Party of Canada - John Balagtas
John is running for a federal seat for the first time after spending the past 12 years serving as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves. He studied Science and Biology at the University of Toronto and is focused on freedom and prosperity of Canadian people.
Marijuana Party - Paul Coulbeck
Paul is a Toronto resident and national organizer for the Marijuana Party, which he believes is still relevant because in his opinion, cannabis hasn’t really been legalized. He says he’s been looking at moving to Chatham-Kent-Leamington and is running for the riding because someone should be running in the riding he believes has the best growing area.
David Epp is a third-generation Leamington area farmer who has worked with the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers and Agricorp. He describes himself as a common sense conservative and would like to retain the Chatham-Kent-Leamington seat, previously held by Dave VanKesteren. Dave and his wife of 34 years have four daughters.
Katie is an elementary school teacher who finished a close second for the Liberals in 2015. Born and raised in Chatham-Kent, Katie now resides in Leamington with her husband, Matthew, and their daughter.
New Democratic Party - Tony Walsh
Tony Walsh is a father of three and works as an investment consultant at CIBC. The New Democrat ran for office in 2015 and is an avid volunteer at the United Way, YMCA, Kinsmen, Junior Achievement, Canadian Cancer Society, Humane Society and Habitat for Humanity.
Green Party - Mark Vercouteren
Mark grew up in Chatham-Kent working as a farm-hand at his family’s fruit stand in Blenheim. Mark currently works as a call centre representative and holds his bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from the University of Waterloo. He is running for the Green Party because of its dedication to the fight against climate change.