It may take more than a few tweets to catch the attention of Warner Bros. Entertainment, but Sandra Pupatello is hoping it might help Windsor and Detroit be considered for the next Batman/Superman movie.

The CEO of the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation sent five tweets to Warner Bros and actor Ben Affleck, who is expected to star in the upcoming film.

“I sent out a series of five tweets on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and it just became this story line - look at this region, this could work for you,” says Pupatello.

Pupatello says the film industry should take advantage of the Ontario tax credit by choosing Windsor.

“Detroit is a great Gotham City, you could do all of your film production in Windsor and we’d have a fantastic tax credit to do that for the film industry,” says Pupatello.

She says the tunnel and downtown Detroit’s tall building would be great assets for the movie. Twitter seemed like the perfect platform to get their attention.

“Because the entertainment industry is so tied to Twitter and that use of social media, I thought it was a great way to get that message out to them,” says Pupatello.

The studio said Affleck will star opposite 30-year-old Henry Cavill, who will reprise his role as Superman from "Man of Steel." The movie will also feature "Man of Steel" stars Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and Diane Lane as Martha Kent.