Some Windsor public pool swimmers had a chance to put their skills to the test in a swim to survive.

Lifeguards offered the test to train people how to survive an unexpected fall into open water over the weekend.

Participants were asked to tread water for one minute then swim 50 metres without a break for a $2 donation which went to the Lifesaving Society drowning education programs.

The Cross brothers said it was harder than it looked.

"I felt like I was losing my breath at the end.” “The swimming was very tiresome."

Lifeguard Brandon Webb says it takes just :30 seconds for someone to drown.

"We need to realize how important it is to be watching our children and swim to survive give them that knowledge to keep their head above water."

Webb adds between January and June of this year there have been 119 reported drownings across the country, and it’s hoped the number will be reduced by teaching basic skills.