WINDSOR, ONT. -- Local health officials say it will take “collaboration and good communication” as healthcare providers restart services.  

The Ministry of Health released direction Tuesday for the health sector to restart non-essential and elective services.  

“This is an important step for our community," Dr. Wajid Ahmed, medical officer of health, said in a news release. "Many services have been limited or closed to the public over the past few months.”  

In March, the ministry released a directive to healthcare providers (HPCs) to stop all non-essential elective services. The directive has been updated to allow the gradual reintroduction of non-essential services as part of the stage one plan to reopen the province.  

“It will take time for our health care providers to put the necessary controls in place to reintroduce services,” Ahmed said. “As well, there will need to be collaboration and good communication to ensure that patients and clients understand the rules and limitations for services going forward. The way we engage with our health services and systems will be very different than we are used to.”  

A news release from the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit states the guidance provided to HPCs “should be considered in conjunction with direction provided by regulatory bodies and public health.”  

The document from the ministry outlines actions that must be in place for enhanced service delivery and protection from disease exposure and transmission:  

  • Risk Assessment: HPCs should complete organizational and point of care risk assessment to reduce the risk of infection. Implementing of hierarchy of hazard controls:
  • Elimination and substitution: ex. Telemedicine vs in-person visits Engineering and System Controls measures: ex. Plexiglass barriers for reception areas Administrative
  • Control Measures: policies, procedures, signage Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): last stage in hazard control
  • Screening: HCP’s should implement passive (over the phone) and active screening (in-person) of patients for symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Testing: Ensure all patients screened positive for COVID-19 are tested for COVID-19. This includes patients with just one symptom, patients who are concerned they have been exposed to COVID-19 and/or patients who are at risk of exposure to COVID-19 in their employment.  

Healthcare providers that are equipped and trained to conduct testing are encouraged to complete testing onsite for patients, the release states.  

The province also announced the extension of all emergency orders until June 9. 

The orders include restrictions on social gatherings for more than five people (not including members of the same household), and continued closure of restaurants and bars (except take out and delivery) and outdoor playgrounds, play structures and equipment.

A full list of current recommendations is available on the health unit website.