The family of a Windsor boy has filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

Nicole McMillan says the complaint has to do with finding a school that accepts a service dog for her 13-year-old son.

Cameron uses his dog Vincent to cope with his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

"Before I had him, I was scared to go outside" says Cameron, who found Vincent in Florida. "I would pick. Now I have scars all over me from anxiety and he completely stops that. He will grab my hand and bring it to him."

McMillan says both the public and separate school boards in Windsor-Essex would not allow a service dog. But they found a home with Canadian Christian Academy.

“They welcomed us with open arms,” says McMillan.

But now McMillan is concerned about the future of the school, since it relies on funding from various sources and the family has filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal about Cameron’s right to education.

McMillan adds there needs to be more education on how service dogs can work for children, especially in a classroom setting.