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WECHU reminds of local West Nile Virus risk

Source: frank600/iStock via Getty Images Plus. Source: frank600/iStock via Getty Images Plus.

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) is reminding the public to protect themselves against mosquitoes as a local risk of West Nile Virus (WNV) continues.

So far this year, there have been eight mosquito pools that have tested positive for WNV. There have been five confirmed cases of WNV in humans in Windsor-Essex.

WECHU said this is an increase as there was only one case in 2023 and two in 2022.

“Removing standing water around your homes and workplaces to prevent mosquito breeding and protect ourselves and our families from mosquito bites,” said Dr. Mehdi Aloosh, WECHU’s medical officer of health, offering tips on how to prevent catching the virus.

Other tips include using insect repellents that contain DEET, icaridin or other approved ingredients, wear long-sleeved light-coloured shirts, pants and a hat when outside, limit the amount of time spent outside at dusk and dawn as mosquitos are more active, make sure your door and window screens fit securely and don’t have any holes and call 311 or your local by-law enforcement if you see standing water within the community.

WECHU said it will continue monitoring for WNV. Top Stories

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