WINDSOR -- There is now more space for students at Canterbury College in Windsor.

A new three-story residence was officially blessed and opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Thursday afternoon.

The Anglican Church-affiliated College started construction of the new residence a year ago to help clear its growing wait list.

It has already been filled to capacity for the new school year with more than 60 students who will share common kitchens and living space.

Canterbury College is part of the University of Windsor community.

Principal, Dr. Gordon Drake says the new building shows the college's mission of educating 'mind, body and spirit' will be here to stay for a long time.

"Words used by the students to describe the new residence are amazing, stunning and wonderful,” adds Drake. “They have given it rave reviews and we are most pleased with the outcome. This new residence will significantly elevate the profile of Canterbury College in its role as part of the broader University of Windsor community to enrich the lives of our students.”

The building cost $6 million to construct and replaces three of the existing older homes on Patricia Street next to Geoffrey Fisher Hall.

The new structure is divided internally into five "houses" each with its own Head of House selected from amongst the residents.